Christmas Greetings

It’s a different kind of a Christmas this year don’t you think? Are you making the best of it?


I put up the tree with my small little family, my son, Michael, his beautiful girlfriend Celeste, and my forever boyfriend, Robert (but who says boyfriend anymore at my age).


I debated how much decorating I wanted to do this year - was it the right thing to do? did I need to do it? - but you know what - I did decorate and I am glad I did.

As I sit tonight writing this it just makes me happy to see the twinkling of the lights on my tree and the silver garland wrapped around my table. (I will take pictures and share).

This year has a kind of nostalgic kind of feel for me though - do you feel it too? A kind of longing for something past, something lost.


This year I am thinking about how I wish I had grown up in a big family and had lots of sisters and brothers to fight with and love on. Lots of family to surround myself with at Christmas. Lots of family that would stay up together into the wee hours of Christmas eve and wake up even later Christmas morning to make and enjoy breakfast together. How the house would be filled with love.


This year I am thinking about how I wish I had had 6 kids myself. And how all of my brothers and sisters kids would have played with my kids. How Christmas would have become an event with too many people and too much noise and how I would have loved every minute of it.

Well I don’t have a lot of brothers and sisters and I didn’t end up having 6 kids (thank gawd) but it does not lessen the gratitude and love I feel for what I have. In fact, I think this past year has made us even more grateful for family and friends that we do have.

Let’s all step up to the plate and acknowledge who we love, and let them know what it means to us to be with the people we love this Christmas.

Tell me about you and your family this year, how are you handling a potentially isolated Christmas this year. Remember to still do the things that make you happy at Christmas - just for you.

P.S. I made the ornaments in these photos and meant to offer them in the shop but was too later to make it in time for Christmas. If you are still interested in some of them email me at or just leave me a comment below,

These are also featured in the one of the December issues of Somerset publications.



Trend Report 2021 - and my crushes


My name is Cathy and I am a journal-aholic.