Trend Report 2021 - and my crushes

Here in Montreal, (Canada), we are in total lockdown - curfews and all for the next 4 weeks! The days have been cloudy and gloomy and the winter is already too long.

But I have been keeping myself busy as you’ll see in my next few posts.

But in this post I wanted to share some of my latest crushes. After Christmas I always tend to treat myself to some of my newest crushes. Although I love all the thought that goes into every gift I get from my family I always say, if you didn’t get it, get it for yourself!!

So here in no specific order are my crushes, and I also predict, the trends for 2021.

Wonky Wooden spoons

I am totally crushing on these wooden, handmade spoons.

I don’t know where I first came across them but I am dying to get my hands on some of these.

I want the full size ones that I can use for cooking - not the teaspoons or tasting spoons but the full-on large sized ones.

Ones that I can put “scoop out” in my utensil jar which sits on the kitchen counter.

Apparently I am not the only one going crazy for these since every single online store I have checked is sold out!

There is not a wonky wooden spoon to be found anywhere I have looked so far.

Please, please, if you have a source for these (that are in stock or in restock notification) please let me know.

I will get my hands on these one way or another. ; ). They are an indulgence for sure but what’s a girl to do when she has such a crush.



Wonky Ceramics

Source: Itsajook on Instagram

Source: Itsajook on Instagram

Source:  Pinterest

Source: Pinterest


Well ceramics aren’t new - but these beautiful irregular shaped plates and bowls and mugs are driving me mad!

Actually, these have been on my list for a while. Alas, these are also hard to get.

I suspect ceramicists have been busy these covid days because each one I contact tells me, yes, new run coming up in March, April, May!

They will remain on my crush list till they sit on my shelves.

Another indulgence!


These crushes are falling into the category of “diy to do one day” (click link there to see my pinterest board of diy one day.

This idea of holding jewelry on a simple velvet miniature pillow is so simple, yet so beautiful.

I love the idea of this.

I know I have some velvet somewhere and I can make these for myself.

And who doesn’t love turquoise right? Whether it’s jewelry or anything else, turquoise always wins me over.

Source:  Unknown

Source: Unknown

Anything Cane

Is it just me, or is cane the latest trend that has not made it into everyone’s home, let alone inbox, yet. I L-O-V_E everything cane these days.

There are tons of ikea hacks out there on how to imitate real cane furniture but I don’t want a hack - in fact, in my research on this, doing the hack costs as much as buying an actual piece. In any case, I want the real thing.

I’ve only included one piece here in cane, because it is the MAIN one I have my eye on these days. This is a true cane piece with beautiful mango casing and it would fit beautifully in my living room right there, below, where I have the arrow pointing. For more on my home ideas and cane pieces see my house and home board on pinterest.

Definitely on my “wish” list but might make it into my have to have or “have” list very soon. In the picture below the buffet I am showing you where it will go in my living room.

Source:  Cathy’s living room - no link

Source: Cathy’s living room - no link

Leaning Bookshelves

Okay I know not trending anymore - these have been around for a while.



But I include them here because I have been crushing on them AND this is about the only one of my crushes that I was able to buy now and it was in STOCK.

I have so many beautiful books and I switch them out on my coffee table but I thought it was time to actually be able to see them on a daily basis.

So I invested (well invested is a strong word since I bought it on Amazon) but I think it will fit in well right here in the nook shown in the picture below where the arrow points to.



Source:  Cathy’s dining room - no link

Source: Cathy’s dining room - no link


And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention anything paper - always on my crush list. But these are mine. And I have been using them. Still a few available in my shop - these are an affordable indulgence - treat yourself.

So that’s my trend report for 2021 and my latest crushes. Cane, ceramics and wonky wooden spoons - look for them on social media in 2021. If I’m wrong you’ll let me know - but let’s check back with each other in 6 months!

What are your crushes and trends for 2021? Do tell.

PS. Let me know of any sources you know about for any of the items I cannot get my hands on yet!

P.S.S. I tried to link sources for all of the above when known so you can do your own “for me” shopping too.



What's on the table? and a Modern version of Journalling?


Christmas Greetings