Inspired by my own work -can I really say that?

First off, thank you so much for all of the kind comments on my last two posts - I am so grateful - it makes me feel so much less crazy knowing that you are listening and reading my rambles each time I write a post - blogging is not dead - YAAAY!

So for this post, I debated - do I break this down into a few posts, a couple of posts, or do I just go over everything I want to share all at once?

OH what the heck - let’s do it all.

So …

First Up:
I took a 13 day “guided” trip to Italy. Yes I did.

Below - a few photos from over 100! Trip of a lifetime, 11 cities in 13 days, exhausting, exhilarating, inspiring and eye opening. Makes you realize how small our day to day world is. I’ve left the pictures very large so you can really enjoy. If you are looking at this post on your phone, you may want to view it on your laptop since a) a bigger view is better and b) I am not sure I have adapted this site for mobile!

Venice at nigh

Beautiful Venice at night above

The churches!

The churches, the churches!


Capri - what more is there to say…

Have you been to Italy? Name the locations above if you have - some of these are my favorite cities!

Second up

I have been creating EVERY-SINGLE-DAY! I mean literally- every single day and I am so thankful for this practice in my life - the one thing that brings calm at the end of the day.

Evidence below that I have been stitching, binding, drawing, painting, sketching and coloring every single day.

Below- my fabric collages


And below a flip thru video of a book I made to include of all these fabric collages because I loved them so much. Are you inspired yet?

And I am also drawing, drawing, drawing, drawing- don’t you love these mini scenes? These also made it into a booklet I made and posted as a reel on instagram. If you are so inclined please visit me there and FOLLOW me there - I am still trying to get to 1000 followers (I know meak) but your “follow” will help.

And color, color, color with watercolors

Do you love these as I do? I can’t get enough.

Third up:
I know I promised a shop update in a previous post and I still have not filled the shop with everything I have been working on. (Did I mention I have a full time job that keeps me away from the real life I want to live creating?).

But I have started on this and the GOOD NEW IS - I have listed one VERY SPECIAL ITEM. In my shop, now listed for you is this beautiful handmade journal. Check out the photos below and here - a one of a kind for sure - enjoy it for the inspiration, create more details in it to make it your own and just enjoy. Again find it here for sale to you.

Thanks again for listening/reading - I am here with you as I know you are with me. Leave comment with your thoughts on this post.


2023 In review + some big news


Update on Slow Drawing Continues & Shop update news