Who knows where inspiration comes from...
I walked into my studio this morning with full intention of working on something specific. What resulted was this.
Sketchbooking and why you should do it every day! + A Video
Sometimes I have to wake myself from my sketchbook slumber and do some real artwork!
But there is often value in those sketchbook doodles, whether it is just to share them with you here or to move you to the next step.
Loving the process
Whenever I feel the creative itch, but don’t really want to commit to anything substantial I always have a go to plan.
On making books
So making these books started as a challenge to myself. Could I make the books that I was envisioning in my head. . . it just started as something I wanted to try out and because of this, it was the materials I was using that dictated the styles I was making. Later, as I was in full production on book making, I realized…