Living your best life …

I’ve mentioned before that I have a FULL TIME JOB - and when I say full time job I mean, a full on 50+ hours/week job which incidentally, I love.

But still …when you gotta create, you gotta create!

When I look at these beauties, I wonder, (as my friends do) where do I find the time with this full time job?

You know what - it’s simple - when you love something - you just do it. And I have been doing it over and over again for my entire professional career - I have combined creative passion, with professional passion.

Nevertheless I still do wonder, where do I find the time? And how do I mix these two loves together so prolifically. Frankly, I dunno!

What I do know is that I live my best life when I am productive. Being productive is what makes me feel alive - it’s what makes me happy, it’s what matters to me. Have you defined what makes you live your best life? I would love to hear about it.

My recent inspiration is from William Morris prints. I don’t know why. I would never pretend to be able to do the same level of work, but his work did inspire me (obsess me!) to add color to his wonderful prints that have now become wallpapers, fabrics and more, which are world renowned - not my work - his ; )

Recently I told a very good friend of mine “I am obsessed - I can’t stop drawing these prints” - she looked at me with an ‘ are you crazy look on her face and said: “You’re doing this because you are creative and you have to do this!”

And it is that simple - you create because you have to - and at the end of the day - you do what you have to do!

It was such a simple answer and so obvious…

And so then, then I made these …

And these ..

And this …

And these …

And these pages too …

What is it for you that makes your live your best life …

Tell me, tell me - what makes you content, feel alive, make you happy? How does creativity fill a role in all of this for you? How does what you do ensure that you are living your best life?

cathy bluteau2 Comments