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Fine is not good enough - 2025

Ah but it can be so much better than fine …

It’s 2025 - Happy New Year!

Following along with the trend, every year I pick a new word for the yearl

This year I am having trouble condensing this idea into just one word but I feel very strongly about the intention I have decided is my “phrase” (not word) for the year.

My word/phrase is “ Fine is not enough”.

It’s not an original thought - I saw it on facebook or instagram or somewhere, but it so resounded with me and I realized that someone put into words what I have been feeling about many things.

When I think about my art, my relationships, my home etc. etc. - I don’t want anything to be “just fine” - I want them to be great, magnificent, wonderful, awe inspiring etc. etc.

This is my year to make sure everything in my life is more than just fine - from art to relationships to travel to day to day living.

I give you some examples below of how I have started on this path.

It’s fine

It’s fine, it’s a perfectly lovely bedroom- hardwood floors and a dark blue feature wall - it’s “fine” as is.

See what I mean?

I ‘ll give more details in a new instagram account I intend to set up on decorating my new home - I’ve been trying to think of a name for that account so if you have any ideas let me know. I’m thinking cathy@home, @homewith cathy . Any ideas?

In other news

There are still a lot of great items in my shop that I haven’t promoted enough I think.

Have a look at the two new junk journals I made. These are really magnificent and i know anyone into journaling would have a field day with these. I even have a video of these which shows in more detail what’s inside. Have a look here and here if you missed these beauties in my shop.

The other items in my shop I wanted to highlight are my ephemera folders.. If I could tell you how lovely these are or if I could possibly “show” these better in my photos you may be more tempted. They are reasonably priced and are really just lovely. I use them myself and it escape me why they are not more popular. I would grab these if I saws them on another site lol.

Tell Me

Do you have a word/phrase for 2025 - let me know and share it here. Would love to hear from you.