I came back with tons of creative inspiration.

I am absolutely guilty for not having posted for quite a while. I, who am supporting all those artist who are getting back into blogging, havent posted in over 3 months - for shame!

But the good news is … it’s been a busy 3 months and 3 really good months - professionally, creatively and personally - and I so hope the same is true for you.

Let me start with the most recent -which was a 2 week vaca to a cottage on the lake, only 55 minutes from where I am in the city.

We relaxed, didn’t shower, wore the same shorts and/or bathing suits everyday and it was bliss.

I love me fancy hotel rooms and room service, but I also love having dirty feet, not worrying about what comes next, and letting the day slide by. And that’s what we did.

I also came back with tons of creative inspiration. I did do a lot of work while I was at the cottage and I watched tons of youtube videos and free art lessons I had been saving for months. Big shout out to lalymille and fodderschool for providing major inspiration for what I am working on now.

I have also bec0me obsessed with creating these little 2.5 x 3.5 collage art pieces. I created over 50 miniature works of art and knew I had to use them in some capacity I knew there was an idea there!! I am still working on how to bind them into simple little books but I am well on my way. I want to offer them as little books where you can record, every day, what good things came your way, in essence, a mini gratitude journal. Here is a preview of each individual pages of these delicate books.

Thank you to all of you who have been coming to the shop and asking for customized sizes/page inserts for items in the shop. I am always open to your specific needs and will absolutely create customized orders just for you!!! Let me know what you are up to this summer - love hearing from you.


Lots of yummy goodness ...


Sometimes just pictures are good …